Vatsyayana meaning of emoji
Vatsyayana meaning of emoji
Vatsyayana meaning of emoji symbols.
The 150 Most Popular Emojis Explained
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Emojis are everywhere. They pop up in social media feeds, text messages, commercials, products, and more.
The number of emojis continues to grow each year and our digital language evolves in turn.
It can sometimes be difficult to determine the meaning of an emoji.
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While it might seem simple on the surface, emojis can have different meanings depending on context. To help you out, we've collected together the 150 most popular emojis and explained their purpose and intent.
This list was established by the Unicode Consortium.
It's a group that maintains Unicode, an encoding standard for text data across modern technology, and part of its remit is emojis. To help determine which emojis should become standard, it monitors emoji popularity.
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