Moore county detention center schedule a visit

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    Frequently Asked Questions about Remote Video Visits

    What is a video visit, and how do they work?

    Who are the companies that facilitate video visits?



    What is a video visit, and how do they work?

    Video visitation, also known as remote visitation, is quickly becoming the preferred method for visiting an inmate in jail or prison for the following reasons:

    •    It requires little to no staff, versus the staff required to move inmates to and from the visit and watch over the visit.

    It saves the Moore County Detention Center money.
    •    It removes any opportunity for contraband (drugs) to enter the facility.
    •    It can become a profit center for the facility, given that the revenue generated by visits is shared with the jail.
    •    While inmates prefer to see family and friends in person, video visitation allows them to visit with them more often, and on a whim.
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