Adam smith biography summary organizer

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  • Adam smith, education!

    Biography of Adam Smith

    Adam Smith was a Scottish Economist most known for his work “The Wealth of Nations”.

    When and Where was he Born?

    5th June 1723, Kirkcaldy, Fife, Scotland.

    Family Background:

    Adam Smith’s father, who was a Customs Officer, died before his birth.


    Local Burgh school.

    Glasgow University. Balliol College, Oxford.

    Timeline of Adam Smith

    1748: Under the patronage of Lord Kames he delivers public lectures in Edinburgh on Rhetoric, belles lettres and moral philosophy.

    1750: He meets the philosopher David Hume who was to become one of his closest friends.

    1751: He is appointed Professor of Logic at Glasgow University.

    1755: Smith is appointed to the Chair of Moral Philosophy at Glasgow University.

    1759:He publishes his “Theory of Moral sentiments”, based around sympathy for other people’s predicaments.

    1764: Smith resigns his professorships to become the tutor to the Duke of Bu