Biography of nehemiah gorehounds
Biography of nehemiah gorehounds and sons.
Nehemiah Goreh
Nehemiah Goreh (born Nilakantha Gore; —) was a Hindu convert to Christianity in British India. As a Hindu apologist, he wrote the Sanskrit-language text Śāstra-tattva-vinirṇaya and a Hindi-language synopsis of it, defending Hinduism against Christian missionaries.
Biography of nehemiah gorehounds
Later, he converted to Christianity, and wrote texts critical of Hinduism, including Shad-darshana Darpana.
Early life
Nilakantha Gore (or Goreh) was born in a Marathi-speaking Chitpavan Brahmin family in , in the Kashipura village of Deccan region.
His ancestors were hereditary counselors to the ruler of Bundelkhand. His uncle served as an advisor to the Maratha vassal NawabAli Bahadur of Banda. The family later retired from public service, and settled in the Maratha enclave in the Assi Ghat area of Benares (Varanasi).
At Benares, the family maintained Anna-purna-chattar, a charitable institution for pilgrims.
Goreh's family did not let him attend the Benares Sanskrit College, concerned