Sergo ordzhonikidze wiki
Sergo ordzhonikidze wiki
Vladimir L. Bobrov The Mystery of Ordzhonikidze’s Death...
Vladimir L. Bobrov
The Mystery of Ordzhonikidzes Death
In the summer of 2008 I participated in the filming of a television documentary titled "Kremlin Funerals" (see NTV Saturdays at 2:05 p.m.).
I dont know how much, if indeed any, of my interview will remain in the final version or what may be edited out of it. For that reason I am publishing a slightly rewritten version of the remarks I made at the television studio.
The Mystery of the Death of Sergo Ordzhonikidze
It is not easy to find an historian who has any doubts how G.K.
"Sergo" Ordzhonikidze died. I confess that like all the rest I also thought it had been established that G.K. had committed suicide. All the same something did not add up; some sort of mystery still remained.
Judge for yourself.
Order of the Red Banner(1921)
In cases such as, for example, the suicide of the poet Vladimir Mayakovski we have his suicide note; we have the pistol he was shot with. The bullet and cartridge have also been found. We have May