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"Fair-minded and well written . . . McLynn sketches in context and milieu and, after a slow start, brings his subject to life.
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Napoleon's paradoxes, his extraordinary energy, his mercurial temperament all form part of a rounded and persuasive portrait."--New York Times Book Review
"Monumental . . . [and] clearly one of the most pleasurable [Napoleon biographies] to read .
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Using an interesting mixture of narrative and analysis, McLynn explores aspects of Napoleon's life often ignored by other authors. . . . What results is a less psychopathic, more human view of this much mythologized European.
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Strongly recommended for all collections."--Library Journal
"Extremely interesting . . . detailed and expansive. McLynn is much interested in the psychological compulsions and motivations underlying Napoleon's performance."--Raleigh News & Observer
"A well-researched, convincing portrait."--Publishers Weekly
"McLynn's study is for readers wanting a mor